Community Learning Center in Philadelphia, PA

Community Learning CenterDonate Now through Network for Good

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Community Learning Center
2701 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19132


Other Ideas

United Way Donor Choice

You can contribute through United Way’s Donor Choice Option.  CLC’s number is 5374.

Matching Gift Programs

Find out if your employer has a matching donations program, and enroll in it.  Your employer may be able to match each donation you make to CLC.  Each gift you make to CLC would make double the impact!

Bequests, Life Insurance, or Other Planned Giving

You may designate CLC as a recipient of part or all of your estate or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy.  In some cases, you would realize a Federal estate tax savings.  

Gift of Stock

You can receive significant tax advantages by making a gift of appreciated stock to CLC.

Donate Now through Network for Good