Target Population


The geographic area to be served is Philadelphia County, including a concentration of Kensington and North Philadelphia neighborhoods. CLC targets those adults, 16 years of age or older, without a high school diploma; those with less than an eighth grade skills level but at or above the fifth grade level; those on public assistance; the working poor; minorities; those with limited English proficiency; immigrants; and displaced homemakers. Thirty-four percent of the residents of the area served have not completed high school. According to The Philadelphia Inquirer (West Suburbs Section; June 15, 1998; pages A1, A12), nearly two-thirds of each freshman class from our target area drops out before graduation. The article also stated that the median household income is $20,220, compared to $32,976 citywide. Twenty-seven percent of those residing in the area are living at or below the poverty level, and thirty-two percent are eligible for welfare assistance (PDE--1990 census date--and PA State Data Center).
CLC does not discriminate against any learner, volunteer, employee, or any other person on the basis of race, color, ancestry, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, or any other legally protected classification. The constituency to be served will continue to reflect our current student population: